
English Profile


昭和50年6月25日 (社)日本鉄屑備蓄協会設立
昭和63年8月09日 (社)日本鉄源協会に変更

平成16年10月6日  (社)回収鉄源利用促進協会承継

平成24年4月1日    一般社団法人に移行




@ 鉄源に関する情報の収集及び提供

A 鉄源に関する調査及び研究

B 鉄源の需要及び供給の安定的な確保の推進

C 鉄源に関する品質の改善及び処理技術の開発の促進

会長 廣P 孝 [日本製鉄(株) 代表取締役副社長]


  需要  40  
  供給  25 
  商社  11 
  団体   3  (一般社団法人日本鉄鋼連盟、一般社団法人日本鉄リサイクル工業会、日本再生資源事業協同組合連合会)

所在地 〒103-0025 東京都中央区日本橋茅場町3-2-10 鉄鋼会館4F
連絡先 TEL (03)5640-0311
FAX (03)5640-0314
E−MAIL jafma@tetsugen.or.jp

"The Japan ferrous raw materials association"

1.The Japan ferrous raw materials association was newly established in August 1988
  mainly to :
(1) discuss ferrous raw material supply and demand and cooperate thereon,
(2) offer, research and study information on ferrous raw materials,
by revising the name, purpose and articles of association of The Japan steel scrap reserves association, which was established in June 1975.

2.Members : 79 (76 companies, 3 associations)
* Steel makers : 40 companies
* Iron and steel scrap suppliers : 36 companies.
* Association : 3 ( The Japan iron and steel federation (JISF),  Japan iron and steel recycling institute (JISRI), Japan federation of resources scrap recycling cooperative)

3.Association activities
(1) supply and demand : discussion and cooperation
@ Ferrous raw materials discussion meeting
called for whenever necessary by members representing both supply and demand.
Purpose : to promote mutual understanding of supply and demand, pricing, distribution , quality, techniques, etc. , relating to ferrous raw materials.
Ultimate goal :  to stabilize supply and demand and improve ferrous raw material quality.
A Steering committee
held whenever necessary as an administrative base organization for discussion and cooperation on both supply and demand of ferrous raw materials.
B Information exchange committee
held once in the quarter to exchange recent information on supply and demand, market conditions etc. , for domestic and overseas ferrous raw material supplies and demand.
(2) Ferrous raw material research and study
The research and study committee for investigating supply and demand (long-term, as well), pricing, distribution, and information mechanization of ferrous raw materials and the technical research committee for investigating related quality, standards, and disposal techniques were organized for research and study.

2-10, 3-chome Nihonbashikayaba-cho, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, 103-0025 JAPAN